
The Challenge

With most clients, they need software and services constantly andd relliably running the whole time. But at times things can break or justn ot work optimally, unfortunatly this was the case for Euretco. The problem was that there needed to be some maintenance and changes on their Sharepoint and ASP.Net environment. But the big challenge was that they did not posses any information on how their system worked because of a departed IT partner. Lucky for them I was there with a team to help them through it. The organization works in retail and has a B2B service model.

The Solution

Solutions included Sharepoint management, maintenance on the core sharepoint environments, consulting about posibilities with the client, Powershell and C# and ASP.Net changes in Visual Studios.


My responsibilities within the project were the following:


Javascript, C#, HTML5, CSS3, ASP.Net, Powershell, Sharepoint